Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. Brian Tracy
Chapter 9
Be Bold!
Rule #20 – Be Bold When It Comes to Money
Fear stops us from living a truly prosperous life at times. I have been in contracting for about 40 years, and in that time I have seen many people lose money and go broke because of the fear of asking to get paid. Boldness is far better and more profitable than fear.
You don’t have to be rude. Just ask. Or in some cases let them know that you need to be paid when the job is complete. We always do this on commercial jobs.
As we conclude the phone conversation about time and pricing, I just tell them we need to get paid the day we are done. They may say they don’t carry checks. We ask if they have a credit card and then ask if that will work for their boss. Also we add $3.50/hundred to do a card because that is what we are charged. Most of the time, they agree.
That is so much simpler than trying to collect from a company that is out of state. If you have ever tried that kind of collecting, you will know what I mean. Generally, it takes three months to get money that way. We just don’t do jobs like that anymore.
With smaller, local contractors we usually ask them to meet us and pay when we are done when it is the first time we have worked for them. Usually, people understand the situation and do just what you ask. If that goes well, we will bill them in the future.
If they object, then that raises a red flag. They may be ones that you would have a hard time collecting from anyway. Tell them you really need to get paid while you are there because they are a new account.
If you stick to your guns, usually they will do that.
This type of dealing with people about money also has the advantage of showing that:
- You have some integrity.
- You are not afraid of losing a job.
- You respect yourself enough to conduct your business properly.
- Thus, most people will have more respect for you and treat you better.
I worked with a young man years ago that told me the builder owed him for all the materials and labor for five houses. WOW! I asked him why he would do the next one if he was not getting paid.
Fear was the answer:
- Afraid the builder would not pay for any of it if he asked for the money.
- Afraid he would not get the next job if he insisted on getting paid.
- Afraid of the confrontation.
He eventually went broke and got a job.
Fear… some call it sand in the machinery of life.
(More on this in Rule #45)
Boldness without being rude is one of the well-worn paths to The Prosperous Life.
Proverbs 28:1 …. But the righteous are bold as a lion (KJV)
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