Some bills come in with all types of charges enumerated on the bill. You may or may not need to pay all of these charges. You may be paying for things you are not even using.
This is a good time of the year, over the holidays, to take a good look at the small charges you are paying for. It seems like everyone wants five dollars for access to their content, etc. Are you actually using what you are paying for? If not cancel it.
Benjamin Franklin once said, “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.”
In some cases, you may be erroneously charged for things you don’t owe. Many years ago a utility company where I live consistently overcharged people three or four dollars every month for some “line” item. Eventually, they got sued and had to pay back millions of dollars to their clients. An honest mistake on their part? I don’t know, but what may be five dollars to you, multiplied by hundreds of thousands of people over the years, can make some companies a lot of money. If you don’t understand the charge, call them up and ask them what it’s for or why you have to pay it. It’s called being diligent or good stewardship. This is all part of learning how to live The Prosperous Life.
Our prayer for you is to have a happy and prosperous year in the coming months.
The Prosperous Life Staff
Thanks for the reminder.