What Inspired This Group?


The idea for this group, The Prosperous Life, began with a desire to disseminate the information I had learned about prosperity.  As I learned, eventually I put the information in a book, Poverty vs Wealth, that is available on Amazon.

If you have a desire to learn more about prosperity, I suggest you start with this book.  Read the reviews on Amazon if you’d like to get a feel for what others thought of it.  I have included the forward here for you to consider:


The principles in this book took us years to learn, so have some patience with yourself if you are just starting.  Start in on the book, and as you see things that make sense put them into practice in your life.  Then reread the book and as you find more ideas that make sense, incorporate them as well.  If you put the principles of God’s Word into action, He will teach you if you want to know.

Here is a list of questions that we are going to attempt to answer as well as some cloudy areas that we will look at when it comes to money.

1.  Are tithing and giving the same?
2.  Is it easier for God to prosper self-employed people than salaried ones?
3.  If someone were to give you $10,000.00, what you would do with it?
4.  Does God expect us to save anything for the future?
5.  Why do some tithe and give, and yet prosperity seems to escape them?
6.  What are the differences between promises and warnings?
7.  Why are the warnings about money better known than the promises of prosperity?
8.  How do you “live within your means”?
9.  What if you lost it all?

There are invisible laws that make up the universe that we live in. There are laws of mathematics, chemistry, physics, gravity, airlift, and laws that cover the handling of money.  You cannot touch, taste, feel, see or hear them, but they work none the less. The laws of money work the same way every time just as the laws of mathematics do.

We are not going to cover where to invest your money or what kind of markets to be in.  We also are not going to cover making money, but we are interested in the fundamentals of prosperity, on handling the money that we do have.  The fundamentals of prosperity have nothing to do with what kind of job we have, who we work for, or who our parents are.

Many people look for prosperity in books and seminars. They try flipping real estate, reading positive thinking books, and try reading how the rich think.  They start at the wrong end of the subject.  Even if they end up making a large amount, they may easily lose it all because of a lack of the fundamentals.  These fundamentals of prosperity are essential to a prosperous life. Without an understanding of these fundamentals of prosperity, you could have a pro sports contract, inherit the money, win the lottery, or find gold coins buried in a milk can, but you may end up losing it all and living in poverty with no hope of ever regaining it. With an understanding of the fundamentals of prosperity, you can become very prosperous without a pro sports contract and have a good chance of keeping it.

My heart’s desire is that it will benefit you far beyond what you can imagine.

If you have read it, I would be very blessed to know how the principles in it impacted your life.

Roger B.

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2 thoughts on “What Inspired This Group?

  1. Bill and I have been so blessed with all you have been sharing with us about the prosperous life and continue to learn more as God opens our eyes. Just a few weeks ago we realized that we needed to add another storehouse and we are slowly changing our comfort zone. We’ve given your book to so many people and now it’s up to them whether they want to be doers of what they learn. Thank you so much for your commitment to God and His Word and for teaching us greater how to keep God first!