Prosperity Stories

Share your journey!

Some of you have left comments on the blogs or here in this group or emailed me personally. I would like to use some of those in a new book I am going to do shortly. I am willing to give one of these coffee cups to anyone who writes to me. The Pictures are the front and back of the same cup.

I would like some testimonials about the book, Poverty vs Wealth, and/or the blogs from the Facebook group, The Prosperous Life.

  1. I would like to know something about you. What field do you work in?

If you are a stay-at-home mom, how has it changed your family and/or your peace of mind?

  1. What was your financial life like before you read the book and/or blogs?
  2. Did you have any unanswered questions about money from the Bible, and did you find the answers that satisfied your soul?
  3. What have you experienced since you read the book or blogs? Has your financial life changed and in what ways?
  4. What would you say to someone on the fence about reading the information or saving money?
  5. What topics or areas benefited you the most? What truths became clearer?

As I stated above, I plan to do another book in the next year or so using some of the blogs Https://, and I would like to use some of your stories to introduce some of the chapters. Or I may use them on the Facebook group. I would change the names so as not to embarrass anyone or expose you.

I would like them to be as long as it takes you to communicate what is in your heart. I believe they will be extremely helpful to others to see that if this information worked for you it may work for them.

If you’ve been a reader of most of these posts and the book, Poverty vs Wealth, most of you are regular givers. Giving is something we’ve been taught for many years and that God will bless us back when we give. Therefore, the emphasis of the book and the blogs is more on saving, investing, and trusting because these are the areas in finance that we were never taught.

We designed these cups to inspire you to save your money, to invest it wisely, and to trust that God will fulfill His promises to prosper you because these are the areas most of us need to grow in.

S = Save – Proverbs 6:8 says the ant is exceedingly wise as she stores or saves for what is the winter ahead. We save for many reasons – a new car, retirement, college for the kids, etc.

I = Invest – “Luke 19:23 “Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury/interest?” Putting the money in the bank is a form of investment. Investing is implied throughout the Bible.

T = Trust – Trust that God will fulfill His promises to prosper you and fill your storehouses. We do what He asks and then He does what He promises.

The unique thing about these cups is that when you drink your coffee or tea in the morning, it can remind you to Save – Invest – Trust, OR to Speak -In – Tongues. Maybe both, and both are part of The Prosperous Life!

I only have a limited amount of these cups. This offer will not go on indefinitely.

Please don’t post your information here. Please send the stories to:

Also, I will need your name and address for the shipping.

God bless you all! You are the best!

Roger B.

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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “Prosperity Stories

  1. Hi Roger. I am looking forward to your new book. Here are some thoughts that you can share…

    I was a Christian believer with a decent job, but had hit a wall in the financial area. I knew that Christians should be prosperous, and had tithed faithfully for years, but the abundance wasn’t there. Roger’s work opened up what else God’s Word says about prosperity that I had been missing. Since that time I have continued to grow, helped put all four of our kids through college, paid off our home, made investments, retired, and
    started a business doing something I love. Most of all, I am enriched with a deeper knowledge of God’s Word and see it living in my life and my family’s.